Contract Signing for the Construction of the Banjole Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) |
January 2025:
On January 31, 2025, the company Esotech, d.d. signed a contract for the implementation of the project "Design, Construction, and Trial Operation of WWTP Banjole-Bumbište." The contract includes the design, construction, and trial operation of the wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 9,000 PE, equipped with a primary treatment stage and a new marine outfall.
The project will be executed under the FIDIC Yellow Book model.
This initiative is part of a broader EU-funded project covering the agglomeration of Medulin, Premantura, and Banjole. The total expected project duration is 27 months, encompassing design, permit acquisition, construction, and trial operation.
This significant infrastructure project will enhance wastewater treatment quality and contribute to improved environmental protection in the Municipality of Medulin.
Elektro Maribor - supply and instalation of protection and control equipment for 110/20 kV RTP Ljutomer and 110/20 kV RTP Lenart |
November 2024:
At the end of October, we signed a contract with Elektro Maribor for the supply of secondary equipment for the construction of the 110/20 kV distribution substations RTP Lenart and RTP Ljutomer. In addition to the supply of secondary equipment, the contractual scope also includes the production of control and protection cabinets, the construction of communication cabinets for the entire substation, the supply of relays for MV switchgear panels, an ARC suppression coils, project documentation, SCADA system, commissioning of both substations, and associated electrical installation works. Contractual commitment will be completed in the first half of 2026.
Signing of a construction contract for the project entitled "Modernization of the water supply system - Phase I: Upgrade of the filter unit at the Hrib water reservoir" |
November 2024:
With the mayor of Moravče, dr. Balažic Milan, on November 12, 2024, we signed a construction contract for the project entitled "Modernization of the water supply system - Phase I: Upgrade of the filter unit at the Hrib water reservoir". The project covers the construction of a filtration facility, including external arrangements (landscape), architectural arrangements, electrotechnical installations, mechanical installations, and all associated technological equipment. During heavy downpours, the turbidity of the water in the well increases, so the project envisages the construction of a filter unit with sand filters, which will have a total capacity of 20l/s. The new device will ensure constant quality of drinking water to its customers.
Signing of contract for preparation of project documentation for upgrade of Tolmin WWTP |
October 2024:
In early October, we signed a contract with the employer Komunala Tolmin d.o.o. (public utility company Tolmin) to prepare project documentation (conceptual design, design for obtaining construction permit, and design for execution of works) for the upgrade of the Tolmin wastewater treatment plant, which, after the upgrade, will support a treatment capacity of 9,600 PE (population equivalent) with tertiary treatment capabilities. The project includes the preparation of documentation to obtain all necessary permits and plans for implementation. The completion of the project documentation is expected by the end of September 2025, providing the foundation for the actual project execution, which will enhance municipal infrastructure for better environmental protection and higher treatment standards.
Participation in the Croatian Water Symposium |
October 2024:
Since we have had a strong presence on the Croatian market in the last two years, especially on technological waste water treatment projects, we were between 24.10. and 26/10/2024 present at the Croatian Water Symposium entitled "CROVIK - Current Affairs in Water Supply and Drainage", which this year was held in Pula.
We are honored to have been able to connect with other experts in the field of water preparation and water treatment and to exchange our experiences and discuss challenges and opportunities in the water industry.
As a proud sponsor of the symposium, this time we also had our own exhibition space, which gave us a greater opportunity to get to know us better and introduce ourselves to a wider group of participants.
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